Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Colorful Outdoor Iron Patio Set Makeover

I'm movin' on up! Literally! I'm moving up from a "garden level" apt to the third floor and with the move I am also gaining a balcony! 

I was home in Columbus for a week of vacation that I got with my elective rotation and I checked out an estate sale in search of an outdoor set. Success! I snagged the whole set (with cushions, albeit ugly ones) for $47! I also picked up some hurricane glasses, but more on those in a later post.

Because it was an older set it had been painted several times before and there were a few spots where the paint was peeling but nothing sandpaper and a bit of elbow grease couldn't fix. Be sure to wash everything down before painting so that the paint can really stick. 

I chose to use Krylon Island Splash and had to do two coats to get full coverage which totaled about 6 cans (+1 for future touch ups). Spray paint is a total rip-off so it's worth it to check your newspaper for the 40/50/60% off coupons that the craft stores put out every week (or you can pull them up on your phone via their websites).

Then it was time for cushions. I ended up using the same inserts that came with the set and just made new covers for them out of outdoor fabric. They aren't anything too fancy but they do have ties with velco on them so that the cushions don't end up in the ravine during a storm. 

Now I just need to work on finding an outdoor rug to complete the space. 

Oh and did I mention that I have a view of my very own version of the hollywood sign? haha

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