Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Break Out Your Friendship Bracelet Box

Do you remember when the best way to show who your friends were was by exchanging friendship bracelets? I do. It was circa 3rd grade and there was always a bit of friendly competition to see who could come up with the newest coolest style or pattern. All the girls would bring their boxes full of floss to recess and try knots until the bell rang. Times have changed and we no longer need some string on our wrists to validate a friendships but that doesn't mean that our old friend, embroidery floss, is obsolete. So dig out your box (I know you still have it) and get ready to craft. 

Stop by your nearest hardware store and pick up a nice piece of wood. Make sure that it is even with as few knots as you can find.  The men working there are always happy to cut down the piece to your specs. I primed and then painted a single coat of white paint. 

I then found a font I liked and blew it up to fit on the wood. I printed it out and taped the printed papers to the board and then set to nailing in nails about every inch. I used white nails but any would work. I just didn't want to have to paint my nails, too.

Once all the nails are in place, rip off the paper template. I decided to draw a quatrefoil border on as well.

To sting your letters, make a knot at any spot and cut the tail short. String as lightly or densely as you want and then tie off as you tied on. 

Once I was done stringing, I filled in the quatrefoil with basic black craft paint. 

That's it. Just throw some picture hanging hooks on the back and hang. 

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